wealth mindset unleashed: mastering your money story

8-week program designed exclusively for women seeking to shatter money barriers and ignite their wealth potential

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Transform your relationship with money. We'll anchor in confidence and knowledge so you'll feel emboldened and empowered to take action towards your financial goals and create lasting change.

3. Transform

You can't fix what you don't understand and it is only when you discover the hidden barriers can you let go and write a new story with money.

[money block]: anything that gets in the way of achieving financial freedom and security

2. Release + Rewrite

Understand where the root cause of your limiting beliefs about money came from and how those early experiences have influenced the way you see, behave and manage money in the present.

1. Understand

*please note that while all of these topics will be covered, the order may change based on what I perceive in the group

In this final week, we'll solidify your journey towards attracting wealth and envisioning a life where this becomes a reality. Our last hypnotic session will secure in your newfound mindset, ensuring that abundance continues to flow into your life long after the program ends.

In this last session, you'll receive:
  •  A special hypnotic experience that locks in and boosts the changes you've made

week 8:
become a wealth magnet and create lasting change 

We'll focus on long-term wealth building strategies and set actionable financial goals while using hypnosis to anchor in confidence and reinforce your path to lasting financial success.

You'll gain:
  • Insights on how to build long term strategies

week 7:
create a wealth building mindset 

Deepen your prosperity mindset through a powerful hypnotic experience that continues to build upon and solidify your belief in abundance. Let go and release any remaining resistance or doubts so you can start to step into a future where wealth flows naturally and ensure the doors to wealth remain wide open.

You'll embark on:
  • A new journey with money where old blocks no longer exist

week 6:
create a wealth building mindset

Empower yourself with practical financial knowledge and skills as we cover the basics of financial literacy all while leveraging the power of hypnosis to support and deepen your financial confidence and decision-making.

You'll learn:
  • The basics of financial literacy

week 5:
cultivating financial empowerment

Now that you've understood your hidden limitations, you'll experience and learn how to craft a new narrative, through a combination of practical exercises and guided hypnosis that will reinforce your journey towards abundance and allow you to embrace a positive money mindset.

You'll discover:
  • The art of rewriting your money story

week 4:
rewrite your money narrative

Learn how to explore, connect and name the resistance parts of you, the emotions you feel associated with money & wealth, the roles they have played and how they have influenced your financial decisions.  

You'll learn how to:
  • Identify, connect and name the resistance parts of you
  • Understand how this impacts your default response when it comes to money

week 3:
eliminate resistance and embrace prosperity

Deep dive into understanding the beliefs that have held you back. Through guided hypnosis, we'll go back to discover the root of your limiting beliefs about money, learn how to reframe and transform them, paving the way for a new financial mindset.

You'll explore:
  • What gets in the way of a healthy relationship with money? 
  • The origin and root cause of your money blocks

week 2:
identify and understand your limiting beliefs

We'll kick off with an immersive session focused on what is a money block, how does it manifest, review how the mind works when it comes to wealth blocks, set your abundance intentions, laying the foundation for a future filled with empowered action and decisions towards financial freedom. 

In this opening class, you'll discover:
  • What is a money block and how does it manifest?

week 1:
INTRODUCTION AND SETTING your abundance intentions

What's Included:
  • 8 LIVE 60 minute money block removal sessions  
  • 8 group hypnosis during each weekly session 
  • 8 hypnosis recordings to listen to (1/week)
  • Group support throughout the course

  • 3 month follow-on support via monthly live calls
  • Tools/resources guide 

here's an overview of everything that's included in the program 



your investment:

  • You procrastinate when it comes to managing your money
  • You feel overwhelmed by just the thought of addressing financial goals
  • You avoid conversations about money
  • You feel terrible because you don't take action even when you say you're going to

this is for you if...

The good news is that you can feel comfortable when it comes to money, empowered even to take action towards an abundant future.

Your ability and your mind's ability to give you want you want is simply possible - through understanding the blocks that are holding you back, releasing them and rewriting a new narrative with money. 

This is what you'll learn and discover inside Wealth Mindset Unleashed: Mastering Your Money Story. This 8-week live program will equip you with the understanding and tools to release the barriers that have held you back, reconnect you to an inherent sense of worth, enable you take the next steps and provide you with foundational knowledge to get you started.

Join us, for a profoundly transformative journey to building a healthier, supportive relationship with money and yourself.

You Have The Ability To Change That. 

When it comes to money, what are the feelings, thoughts that come up for you?

Do you feel powerful, in control, emboldened when it comes to your finances?

Or rather a feeling of stuckness? Perhaps discomfort, guilt, or even shame? 

That you don't know where to begin or maybe it's too late?

If it's the latter, it's completely understandable.

For many of us, especially women, managing and understanding money doesn't come innately. It still isn't normalized yet as part of our conversations or instilled yet in our habits due to social construct - but we have the power to change that.

Let's Talk About Your Relationship With Money....


I can't wait to see you inside.

Thank you!
You're in.

Feeling lucky to have met Julie and to have had the chance to attend her group session on women’s relationship with money. Julie is an astonishing host and her session was POWERFUL. I am sure it will change many women’s lives. I can feel my money-making paradigm shifting. The seed has been planted!
- Carol, Barcelona 

Julie's program was nothing short of exceptional. It was practical, straightforward, and came with tons of support. There was a personalized approach and guidance throughout. Each session brought new learnings and insights about myself—things I would have never uncovered or even paid attention to in the same way. She helps you understand the issues, and the group supports you in supporting yourself as you make your way to your "new self." I loved every minute of the 8-week program!
- Stefani, Vienna

FREquently asked questions

is this program live?

is this program live?

Yes, the course consists of 8 live classes with Julie. Live participation is highly encouraged however if you can't make some of the classes, they will be recorded and stored for you to watch at your convenience. Note that each week builds upon the previous week so an active commitment to showing up is critical to success.

will this program really transform
my relationship to money? 

will this program really transform my relationship to money? 

will this program really transform
my relationship to money? 

will this program really transform my relationship to money? 

If you are open and dedicated to showing up, doing the work and practicing the techniques learned during the program, you can start to cultivate a more healthy relationship with money. The pace of change for each person is uniquely individual, some start to feel different within days or week while others experience a more gradual change over several months. 

will there be

will there be

Yes, a live group guided hypnosis will be included during each weekly session as well as a corresponding weekly hypnosis recording to listen to daily between sessions. 

why hypnosis?

why hypnosis

Most of us aren't aware what drives our habits when it comes to money,  yet somewhere, somehow experiences and beliefs were made - stored in our subconscious memory bank - that influence the way we think, view or manage money. 

Hypnosis induces a relaxed state of mind that then allows direct access to our subconscious mind, where we can uncover the origin of these beliefs and behaviors that have led to our money issues and blocks.

The process is entirely natural and safe. It will simply feel like a guided meditation, where you are in a deep state of relaxation, still awake, conscious but extremely relaxed.

still have questions?

still have questions?

Please reach out to hello@juliejshui.com for additional support.


I can't wait to see you inside.

Thank you!
You're in.

client love

I don't know where to begin in writing this testimonial. Julie is such a gift.

She has a way of developing a strong rapport with her clients. I felt that she genuinely cared and was interested in getting to know me, and helping me work through my blocks, from our initial discovery session. The core issue we focused on was stepping into my power fully, embracing my gifts, and no longer dimming my light to please others, and omg - the results have been phenomenal!

After just two weeks of listening to her hypnosis recording, I found myself signing up to perform at an open mic. I have always loved to sing, but never in a million years, would I have imagined myself singing in front of people! It just happened. The reprogramming worked.

Julie and I are actively in touch and she is often one of the first people I think about when I want to share life updates. I am so grateful to have found such a solid support system in Julie. She is truly an inspiration to me!

- Wiaam, Virginia USA

Julie’s kind and warm nature made it easy to relax and trust her. She is professional and detailed, traits from her corporate days which I appreciate more coming from a similar background.

I found the whole RTT session very insightful. We went back to experiences from childhood through young adulthood which laid the seeds for certain negative beliefs that still persist me today. Then Julie guided me to find the connection between these incidents and how they continue to impact my behaviors today.

My favorite part is the custom recording we are given. I love how it’s so tailored to me and enjoy feeding my subconscious mind with positive affirmations and messages that Julie created just for me.

I definitely feel like the issue on hand has lessened its grip and continue to listen to my recording often. I've already sent my brother and fellow hypnotherapy classmates to try a session with Julie because I highly recommend her! 

- Beverly, Bali

My session with Julie was so great! Julie was so warm and outgoing and made me feel seen and heard. I came to her for an issue of fear of stepping out of my comfort zone. She uncovered my beliefs and helped me overcome them. She was very intuitive and knew what to ask, knowing exactly what I needed during my session. My session went smoothly, and I felt amazing afterwards.

She made me a recording to listen to for 21 days and putting in everything I wanted to hear and so much more. I’m past 21 days now going strong and still listening. I find myself much more confident and doing things I never imagined doing before. I no longer overthink things and situations, I’m surer of myself, I feel a sense of security within wherever I am and trying new things.

I definitely recommend Julie as she knows her stuff and is very skilled, you definitely won’t be disappointed.

- Kenia, Los Angeles, California

I reached out to Julie because I had some social anxiety that prevented me to speak in public, to be comfortable at work and in my private life, in social events, meeting and connecting with new people was very hard for me.

During the session I discovered a lot of things and the root cause of the social anxiety – it was eye opening! Julie did an amazing job, she was so kind, I trusted her during the process, it was very good. And she made me an amazing recording that I started to listen to right away. It’s been more than a month and I’m still listening to it because I really enjoy it. When I listen to it at night, I feel so relaxed and the next day I feel very confident. I actually did a presentation in front of my colleagues and it was great, I LOVED it, I felt very confident.

Julie is amazing, if you any issues, don’t hesitate to contact her. She’s the one that can help you because she helped me and I recommend her to all my friends and family who are struggling with things in life. She’s amazing and I love her!

- Marina, Qatar

[on self-doubt]
I am profoundly grateful to you, Julie, for your gracious, thoughtful and super organized introduction to a phenomenally effective RTT session. I really got so much out of it! The transformational words of your recording keep echoing gently through my mind, it's very relaxing and makes me smile from ear to ear. I truly LOVE listening to it! I can’t thank you enough! I wake up each morning feeling much lighter in spirit,   

- K.J., California

[workaholic, relationship to money]
Julie, you are an impressive RTT Practitioner! Thank you for taking me on, for helping me get to the root issues and I love how you did the session.

I am taking the time to listen to your recording purposefully, letting your words form images and emotions within me. Your recording is so beautiful, so what I want to hear and to soak right into me.  I know these seeds are eager, screaming to sprout! Thank you, what a sweet spirit you are.

- I.E., Vancouver

I sought Julie's assistance to help me work through some self-esteem issues that had surfaced after the pandemic and wanted to address. From the get-go I found her easy to work with, very relatable and empathetic. As someone that had never experienced RTT I found her guidance invaluable and focused. To this day I still go back to my recording to reconnect with the purpose.

- Danny, Barcelona

Julie was incredibly supportive and helped me move past a deep-rooted feeling of abandonment, a block that was holding me back in many areas of my life. She helped me realize to put my needs first and set my own boundaries without feeling guilty or selfish for doing so. This is something I’ve found incredibly difficult to do in the past. But I felt extremely safe and open with Julie and this allowed me to be completely comfortable in her presence which is why the session went so well and why I got so much out of it.

She went out of her way to make sure I was doing ok afterwards with the regular check ins and helped me with any obstacles that arose during that time, which I really appreciated. It was such a pleasure to have her guide me through this and I couldn’t have pictured anyone better to take me through that journey. I would highly recommend Julie for anyone looking to do RTT and wanting to let go of any blocks that aren’t serving them anymore!

- Client, UK

About Julie

Julie is a Certified Hypnotherapist and RTT® Practitioner. 

A former cosmetics executive with over two decades of experience in senior leadership and consulting roles across the United States, Asia, and Europe, her practice lies at the intersection of a rich legacy in the beauty industry and a profound passion for personal transformation. 

She's transitioned from orchestrating high stakes endeavors in high performance environments, to dedicating herself to guiding individuals on a journey of inner discovery and igniting their potential.

She brings a unique depth of understanding to the world of hypnotherapy with an approach that is rooted in empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to see clients thrive.

Julie specializes in helping individuals break free from the constraints of limiting beliefs, overcome feelings of being stuck, to rediscover their sense of purpose - from overwhelm to balance, from self-doubt to unshakable confidence. Offering a combination of personalized hypnotherapy sessions, intimate group programs, and exclusive subscription plans, her aim is to provide a holistic approach to personal growth and empowerment.

Her commitment to you: Together, we'll uncover the roots of feeling stuck, liberate you from fear and scarcity, and craft new narratives that will set you free. Resulting in rediscovered purpose, rekindled confidence, heightened resilience and self-trust, enabling you to become your absolute best and achieve the extraordinary.

my story


a monthly round up of new offers, inspiration and all the things I have discovered that nourish and nurture my soul and think you will love too

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